Friday, May 13, 2011

30 Day Double Challenge

I know my lasso & bracelets
are somewhere under this mess!
Time to de-clutter! 
Clutter. Chubster. Curses to both of you!

I am challenging myself to 30 days of action. Each day, I will de-hoard by removing at least one item from home and I will exercise. As I prepare to battle this dubious duo, I feel like I should don some Wonder Woman Underoos. Although they would be quite snug since I was 9 the last time I wore them (along with my awesome high-top roller skates, of course). That was back when I had normal-sized feet. And normal-sized thighs. But I'm getting side-tracked again. Please check back for updates. And if you could use a little less clutter and/or a little less jiggle, then won't you join me?

Clutter Buster update days 1-23:  Woot! 12 bulging bags of evil clutter have been deposited into the trash or donated to Goodwill. Wall art, gardening stuff (we don't have a garden), a helium tank, hairdryer, clothes/shoes/purses, blankets, a tent, books/magazines. So much more room to breathe! But I know there's still more I can do. Clutter lurks. Oh, it lurks! Just threw out 2 big bags of kitchen stuff this weekend. Gotta hit that garage soon.
Chubster Buster update days 1-23: Exercising more than I was but still not good enough. There's been 4 days of Zumba, 3 days of 30-Day Shred, 9 days of walking or weights. Missed 7 days. Ouch. Gotta move it to lose it, sister! Definitely need to do more.

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