Thursday, April 28, 2011

"All Growns Up"

I love that line from Swingers. Vince Vaughn delivers it perfectly, "Our little baby is all growns up! All growns up!" Wait. Does he say "growns" or does he say "groweds"? In any case, it's awesome.

A couple of years ago, Blondie reported that her 7 year old daughter no longer played with toys. I wondered how that could possibly be for a child who was still so young. My own kiddo was still knee deep in all kinds of cutesy toys. There seemed to be no end in sight to her toy-playing days. There was also no floor in sight because of the enormity of her toy collection!

This past Christmas, she got new Littlest Pet Shop toys with Blythe dolls and played with them for hours. On almost any gift-giving occasion over the last 5 years, when asked what was on her wish list, she'd inevitably reply, "Littlest Pet Shop!" Those bug-eyed, big-headed bobbleheads really had a hold on her. Her birthday is coming up soon and when I asked her what she'd like, she rattled off a list of books. And a game. But no Littlest Pet Shop. What?!?!?!?!

Tonight, as we tidied up to prepare for my parents' visit this weekend, she announced that she would donate some toys to needy children. I've heard this before and the toy donation "haul" barely filled a sandwich baggie.

But this time was different. She very thoughtfully and thoroughly looked over her toys and decided that there were many that no longer held her interest. Bye-bye, My Little Ponies and all your miniature accessories. Ciao, fairy dolls with interchangeable wings. Adios, Pokemon playsets. Get to scootin', Zhu Zhu pets! Loads more various cuties were chucked into the donation bags. Her toy bins were left quite bare. *sniff*

Luckily, some survived the purge. She's not yet bidding adieu to dozens of Littlest Pet Shop toys, stuffed animals, the dollhouse and its inhabitants, a play kitchen, and a few other favorites. So I'll continue hoping that this kid of mine will be a little girl for a long time.

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