Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weight Watchers Update - Week 5

Matching mom & munchkin manis.
We'll do it again for my 10-pound reward.

As of this morning, my total weight loss after 5 weeks is:

7.5 pounds!

I got on and off the scale about a dozen times this morning just to be sure. Sooooo close to my mini-goal of 10 pounds. So close! 

I'm happy to report that BFF Blondie has joined me in a back-to-better quest. She's using a free iPhone app called "Lose it". You enter your starting weight, goal weight, how many pounds each week you want to lose (from 1/2 pound to 2 pounds). It then gives you a daily calorie allowance. Enter your food choices just like you do with the Weight Watchers app. She's been using the app for 1 week and has lost 3 pounds. Congrats! So proud of you!

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